Alessio Ponti
director and head of the 19th century Art department
Heir to a family tradition linked to the world of art – the grandfather Giovanni, extraordinary commissioner and president of the Venice Biennale from 1946 to 1960, opened, since the early Fifties, an antique shop in Rome, in via della Palombella – in 1997 opened in the heart of the historic center of Rome the exhibition space dedicated to the 19th century Italian painting who currently directs. Expert of the Court of Rome in the field of Art and consultant of an auction house in the capital, has the curatorship of several exhibitions dedicated to Roman and Neapolitan painting of the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Tommaso Ponti
head of the Modern and Contemporary Art department
Firstborn of Alessio Ponti, founder and owner of the gallery, received his bachelor’s degree in Economics and Management at the LUISS — Free International University of Social Studies «Guido Carli» in Rome. Deep connoisseur of the dynamics of the art market, he specialized in Italian art produced after World War II. Since 2017 he has held the position of head of the department dedicated to Modern and Contemporary Art, created following the extension of the gallery’s renovated exhibition space.
Michele Brescia
collection’s curator and social media manager
Art historian specialized in verbal-visual experiences of the second half of the 20th century, he received his three-year and master’s degrees in Historical-Artistic Studies at the Sapienza University of Rome. After obtaining a Master’s Degree in Economics and Management of Art and Cultural Heritage at the Sole 24 Ore Business School, he worked as assistant curator at the Macro — Contemporary Art Museum of Roma Capitale. In 2019 he received the PhD in History, Territory and Cultural Heritage from the University of Roma Tre. He is divided between the teaching of the history of art and the study of the artworks dealt by the gallery.