Project Description

Antonino Calcagnadoro ( Rieti 1876 – Rome 1935 ), Ave a te frate Sole

Oil on cardobard cm 17 x 23 signed and dated ( 1922 ) lower left and entitled on the back, where appears the autograph inscription of the painter, “all’amico carissimo Alfredo Carlini con affetto fraterno, Roma 1923”.

As in the painting dated 1924 published by Elvira Lapenna in the catalogue of the exhibition organized by the Fondazione Varrone in 2005, also in this case the figure of Saint Francis of Assisi is animated by a strong emotional charge, his face emaciated, gaunt and full of realist elements. The artist emphasizes the prayerful position of the Alter Christus, from which seems to emanate a powerful inner strength that is reflected also in the surrounding landscape, in a dimension of inner panic and intimate communion with nature, represented by the massif of Monte Terminillo, executed with a technique in filamentous and divided brushstrokes to convey sense of light refraction of a morning in the mountains.