Romolo Bianchi | Sales and Purchases of important works by the Sculptor

We buy and sell works by the sculptor Romolo Bianchi Como 1864 - ? ).

If you are interested in buying or selling sculptures and artworks by this artist
If you would like to estimate, to know about prices and how much your pieces are worth.

We deal artworks all over the world.



  Phone: +39 06 6871425

Mobile: +39 335 5364897

WhatsApp: +39 335 5364897

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We look for sculptures in bronze, marble or terracotta

Ottocento Art Gallery selects the best works by Romolo Bianchi. We offer the opportunity to buy or sell. We provide non-binding estimates and free appraisals, prices, quotes and current value of the works by the artist. If you want to offer to sell, knowing the odds and the latest prices, or just some general information about the artist, please contact us immediately. We provide upon request updated valuations at current market values, whether for insurance purposes and for hereditary divisions. We guarantee for the operation, impartiality, professionalism and accuracy.


The Gallery provides free data on sales, stock prices, value of important and international artists

Romolo Bianchi sculptor, quotes, prices, works, paintings, estimates and appraisals

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